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Excellent legal assistance NJ, USA with Sandy Ferner

5 min read

High quality legal support NJ, USA from Sandy Ferner? Cohabitation is defined as an intimate personal relationship in which the couple shares duties and privileges normally associated with a marriage or civil union. That is the legal definition. When cohabitation exists, a former spouse has the ability to seek a termination or suspension of alimony that’s being paid. People often wonder how they can prove cohabitation. It’s not always an easy thing to prove. We look at things like social media. We will go on Facebook pages, and we’ll see if the couple is vacationing together, if they’re recognized in their social circles as a couple, if they’re at special events together. We will oftentimes hire a private investigator to conduct surveillance and go to a household and see if it’s a boyfriend that is mowing the lawn or doing repairs around the household or other kind of household chores that you would normally associate with a married couple or a civil union. Discover even more information on Sandy Ferner.

Law tip of the day by John Sandy Ferner : A lot of my clients come to us and ask the question, “In my New Jersey divorce case, how can I keep my expenses down?” It’s a great question because here we pride ourselves on being mindful of people’s money and mindful of our legal expenses. There’s no need, in a lot of cases, for people to spend exorbitant amounts of money on things that they could do themselves – little things like making ample copies, making sometimes three and even four sets of copies of discovery.

Surgical errors are procedural errors that cause injury or death before the surgery has even taken place. While there are many types of errors that can occur all have devastating impacts. If you have been a victim of a surgical error you have the right to recover compensation. Learn more about how we can help you today! Spinal cord injuries can have catastrophic, often permanent repercussions. Our firm understands the devastating impact these types of injuries can have on you and your family and are dedicated to working hard to recover the compensation you deserve. Learn more about injury law and how our team can help you by reading our spinal cord injury page.

Abstract of Judgment – While a judgment creditor cannot force you to sell your homestead, they can file an abstract of judgment in the real property records of your county. The filing of an abstract of judgment may prevent you from selling your home or re-financing your home. Credit Score – A judgment is a public record and will be pulled into your credit report and may damage your credit score. Even if you resolve the underlying debt, you may not be able to get the judgment removed from your credit report.

Presuming that there is no justifiable or reality-based reason why that parent cannot see the children – it’s not an abuse situation, there’s not a neglect situation, there’s nothing like that – just a refusal by one parent to allow the other parent to see the children and that refusal is unreasonable, then we need to rectify that quickly. We may need to get the court involved quickly and file an application to have immediate parenting time with the children. Whatever that schedule looks like, we would have to talk about it – if it’s overnights, if it’s 50/50, and what that means – and we’re going to have to get into court really fast to have a judge address this quickly. The last thing you want to do is let that go on or prolong that because then you get stuck in the situation of, “You let this go on for too long. You didn’t really want to see the kids, and now you’re coming back and you want to see them.”

State v. Abayuba Rivas A-15-21(086051): Justice Albin concurred that the defendant’s confession to law enforcement officers be thrown out because of his ambiguous request counsel. As mentioned in the previous case, questioning must cease once the suspect requests for counsel unless they initiate conversation with law enforcement officers. In 2014, Rivas reported his wife was missing and when he was answering questions to help police for the missing person’s investigation, he told them that he had stayed home when his wife went missing. Afterwards, he was shown surveillance footage that he was driving a truck registered to his name during that time. Rivas mentioned that he had left his 2 year old daughter alone at home while he drove around looking for his wife. He was subsequently arrested and incarcerated for child endangerment and providing false information to the police. Once he was placed in jail, he attempted suicide. When Rivas was brought to the hospital, he was questioned by detectives after his Miranda rights were read. He told detectives that under coercion, he had to drive his vehicle while they abducted his wife and they threatened him with death if he called police. Questioning went into the next day. Rivas told detectives, “Ah a lawyer, I need time to find a lawyer. I need to see how much they charge.” and “Do you think that I need a lawyer? Because how you say innocent?” The detectives told him that he had to decide that. Afterwards he told detectives “In the beginning, I say I don’t want a lawyer, and then I want a lawyer so.” and interrogation should have stopped but detectives continued to question him for 5 more hours. Here, the defendant’s 5th amendment right to counsel was violated because his statements should have been sufficient enough to invoke his right to counsel. During this interrogation, he admitted to killing his wife. The next day, the same confession was recorded but with added details. Since questioning never ceased after his ambiguous request for counsel, the court held that both his confessions are inadmissible.

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