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Joe Dent top service paintless dent repair Dallas, TX

4 min read

Automotive hail repair? Paintless dent repair (PDR) is the process of removing dents from the body of an automobile. The most practical uses of PDR are for hail damage, door dings, minor creases, large dents and bodyline damage. An experienced PDR technician will use precise tapping with specialized tools to “massage out” dents from the inside of a car’s body. Success rates depend on the professional’s experience, the location of the dent, size of the dent, extent to which the metal has been stretched, and flexibility of the manufacturer’s paint job. This being said, PDR is a much faster method of repair than repainting, which involves hours of sanding, filling, and painting by a professional. A PDR technician can complete the average job in 1-3 hours, often traveling to you to complete the service. For most people with minor dents, leaving their vehicle at a traditional body shop for 4-6 days just simply isn’t realistic. Dent removal is also significantly cheaper than a conventional body repair, often by 60%.

Cheaper than professional repair. Paintless dent repair (PDR) kits can substitute a trip to the repair shop and help keep more money in your wallet. There are kits for tiny, medium-sized, and large dents, and the average price of the kits is generally a fraction of what you’d pay for repairs. Easy and convenient. With the right dent puller, it’s very easy to set up in your driveway or parking lot. The best PDR tools are shipped with detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. You can rest easy knowing they will not damage your car’s paint. From the ease-of-use standpoint, the suction dent puller is the undisputed winner. The suction cup works with metal and plastic auto bodies. The cups are made of rubber and plastic. Depending on the size of the cup, it can lift upwards of 130 pounds. If you want one of the best suction dent pullers, consider whether the kit includes multiple suction cups. The PDR process is requires patience and a trained eye to see the tiny changes made during each use of a tool. During the repair process it is often required to cycle through each of the previous steps until the dent has been completely removed.

The development of the Paintless Dent Removal system brought a radical change in the way we deal with damages caused by hail and similar phenomena, avoiding all the problems derived from using conventional techniques. Applying controlled forces on the dented steel, it is possible to completely reverse the effects of the impact. The panel is returned to the exact condition it had before the damage occurred, leaving the original paint undisturbed, without resorting to fillers or other elements that are foreign to the vehicle, and leaving no trace of the operation. Consequently, the carmaker warranty remains intact and the eventual resale value of the car is unaffected.

Here are the benefits of choosing paintless dent repair from your local auto body repair shop. Auto body repair can often be a costly affair. When you go the old fashioned way, you can be sure that your car will be in the repair shop for a few days at least. The traditional methods of repairing dents in vehicles meant that the cost of repairing the dent often outweighed the benefits. Painting costs were often added to the bill, creating many frustrated car owners. With paintless dent repair, you can save money at your auto paint and body store. If you live in a region prone to hail, then affordable dent removal is absolutely essential.

Joe Dent LLC will repair your door dings, hail damage, creases, and minor dents without the use of paint or body fillers. We are a family owned, independent company providing local Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) and Nationwide hail damage repair. We understand how stressful this may be for you. As our vehicle is one of our top expenses and when we get caught in the middle of a hail storm we feel helpless. Joe Dent is an auto hail repair specialist and is here to help. This is how our process works: first we perform a hail damage inspection, followed by a hail repair estimation to your insurance company.

When looking for an auto body shop that does paintless dent repair, always do your research first. Check if the company has an excellent track record and mostly positive comments from customers. Find out if they have the right certifications before trusting them to do bodywork on your car. By hiring an established company with certified experts, you are sure that your valued vehicle is in good hands. Discover extra details at removing minor dents Dallas, TX.

Paintless Dent Repair vs Body Filler: So, how do body shops decide which method to use? It really depends on how damaged the vehicle is. PDR is ideal for removing small dents caused by hail damage. It’s also much cheaper and more eco-friendly compared to body filler, as there are no chemicals involved. In addition, PDR is a good option if you’re looking to sell your car in the future, as painting and traditional dent repair methods can cause the value of your car to depreciate. Plus, PDR typically is a much faster process compared to body filler. Body filler, on the other hand, is optimal for repairing heavily dented vehicles. If hail damage has caused the vehicle’s metal to stretch or crack, then it will need to be repaired with body filler. In addition, if hail has damaged your vehicle’s paint, conventional methods will need to be used to repair the damage.

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