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Grease separators provider Banja Luka 2023

3 min read

Above ground water tanks products Bosnia with Potable water products include a big range of available and different models to meet all space and volume needs. Our above ground water tanks produced for outdoor use are characterized by blue color (Verticale, Box, Jolly), and for underground installation black and / or gray color (Cisterna, Canotto and Panettone). This gives customers the assurance they need when installing storage tanks for public water systems. Read extra info on biotanks.

To maintain your above-ground tank, you will want to ensure that it does not store water when the temperature drops below freezing. If you wish to store rainwater during the winter months, you will need to insulate your tank. Insulation for water tanks includes spray-on insulation, injected insulation, and an external wrap or blanket. Water stored inside the tank during freezing temperatures will freeze and expand, forming cracks along the tank’s exterior. To fix a crack in your tank, you can use either a fiberglass sheet, epoxy, or putty. Before applying any of these options, clean the area of the crack and its surroundings to ensure bacteria is not trapped inside.

They Help Impermeability: One of the most crucial ways water tank liners can benefit your tank is that they help with any micro-leaks that might otherwise spell disaster for your tank. Not only do they prevent water from leaking out into the surrounding soil, but they also help harmful bacteria or contagions from getting into the water. Whether your tank is designed for personal use or for industrial tanks, water tank liners are key in ensuring reliable, safe service.

Underground water storage tanks offer peace of mind in case of an emergency Fire suppression tanks are essential in rural areas where there is no access to the municipal water supply. Fire departments “hook up” to water present in the underground tank in case of an emergency. Potable water tanks are also important because these tanks are designed to hold water that will come in contact with the human body. Both of these underground storage tank options are important in case of an emergency situation. In Bosnia, our team recently delivered a 20,000-gallon fiberglass tank for fire protection that will serve this education facility.

What is a water storage tank? A water storage tank is a container connected to a gutter system used to collect rainwater. Rainwater harvesting is a common practice for homeowners who live in drought-prone regions or who want to save money on their water bill. Collected water can be used for gardening, washing cars, watering a lawn, and other outdoor applications. If a water filtration system is connected to your water tank, rainwater can be used for potable applications inside a home.

Emergency Supply of Fresh Water for Humans and Pets: If you have a water storage tank, you will also have an emergency source of fresh water for humans and pets. For example, if your town experiences a severe storm or other flood and your water supply is damaged, you will have access to emergency drinking water for you and your family. If you have pets, a water storage tank can help provide safe drinking water for them as well. Discover additional information at

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